General Classroom Visits
PSBR visits K-16 classrooms for a variety of topics and events.
Audience: Students K-16
PSBR visits high school, middle school, and elementary school classrooms. We also visit colleges including undergraduate and graduate level classrooms. All presentations are interactive and are tailored for the age-level, class time, and the topic requested.
Popular Topics include:
- Hands-on SPARC Mobile Science Lessons
- Biomedical Research and the Use of Animals
- The Ethics of Science and Animals
- Careers in Laboratory Animal Science
- Animals in Our Society
- What is an Animal?
Career Fairs and School Assembly Programs
Audience: Students 7th-12th grade
PSBR attends and presents at career fairs/days by request. We can also present general assemblies for a wide audience.
To request a visit for your school, please complete our Request a Classroom Visit Form.
Questions? Contact Lisa Cassaro at