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Biomedical Research Information

These websites offer reliable information about biomedical research and the use of animals in research.

Additional detailed information about the use of animals in research can be found under the "Animal Research" tab

Scroll down or click to see additional resources, blogs, videos, and PDF materials


National Biomedical Research Organizations and Websites


State Biomedical Research Associations

Our sister organizations offer additional resources to support public outreach. The States United for Biomedical Research (SUBR) is a network of nonprofit associations that work together to promote human and veterinary health through science and education.


Additional Websites with Reliable Information about Animal Research


Blogs - Animal Research

Animals in Research Series (The Conversation website)


Videos - Animal Research

Complete list of Understanding Animal Research videos on Vimeo - http://vimeo.com/animalevidence/videos


Research Animal Organizations


Biomedical Careers

Careers in Biomedical Research


Additional PDF Resources

Animals and Medicine – The contribution of animal experiments to the control of disease. Click on "Read the PDF" to view the entire book. This offers a detailed, scholarly historical review of the critical role animal experiments have played in advancing medical knowledge. Book by Jack Botting
Animal Research Benefits Us- And Animals Too - Courtesy of Understanding Animal Research
Animal Research - Top 10 Questions - Courtesy of Americans for Medical Progress
Casey's Awakening - Courtesy of Massachusetts Society for Medical Research
Facts About Animal Research - Courtesy of Americans for Medical Progress
Fact vs Myth - Courtesy of the Foundation for Biomedical Research
Finding Cures, Saving Lives - Courtesy of the American Physiological Society
Improving Human and Animal Health - Courtesy of AALAS
Medical Research with Animals - Courtesy of the National Institutes of Health
Proud Achievements of Animal Research - Courtesy of the Foundation for Biomedical Research
Questions People Ask About Animals in Research - Courtesy of the American Physiological Society
Super Scientists: How Mice are Helping Scientists Solve the Mystery of Disease - Courtesy of California Society for Biomedical Research
What is Biomedical Research? - Courtesy of the California Biomedical Research Association


Local AALAS Branches covering PA and DE

Central PA (CP) Branch of AALAS


Veterinary Associations covering PA, DE, WV and MD